Chubby Re-edit

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the coop
Not a creature was stirring, not even the poop
The stockings were hung by the barn door with care
With hope that Chubby Mealworms would soon be in there
The Chickens were nestled on their perch warm and snug
Dreaming of Mealworms and of big juicy grubs
With Mama Chicken on the left side and Rooster in the gap
They had just settled down for a long Winters nap
When out in the yard there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my perch to see what was the matter
Away to the Coop Door I flew like a flash
Pushed open the door and threw back the sash
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a 3lb Chubby Tubby and a hairy reindeer!
I really couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing
A reindeer, Chubby Tubby and Santa Clause Fleeing?!?
I looked a bit further, down on the ground
Mealworms and Silkworms were spread all around
I called out to the girls to come see what I saw
They jumped up together and got wedged in the door
Feathers and wings were flapping all around
If only they’d listen and loose a few pounds!
How are we going to get out of this muddle?
If we stay here much longer, there will be terrible trouble
So I headed behind them and gave a big push
And out they all toppled in a big fluffy rush
Out Pepper, Out Snowy, Out Olive, out Pippa
Out Coco, Out Anna, Out Lavender, Out Nipper
Finally, they came to a stop with a bump
I’ve not seen such chaos since Hilary versus Trump!
I turned and looked down at the mess we had made
But was delighted to see some fresh eggs had been laid
We passed these to Santa and sent him on his way
Eggs, eggs for breakfast! Best not delay!
Out in the yard it was Mealworm Galore
What a magical Christmas! Who could want more?
Still a few hours till the Cockerel starts crowing
So back to the Coop, our excitement growing
Back on our perch, it’s time for a rest
This Christmas eve has been simply the best
Just as we were as we about to turn out the light
A voice shouted… Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Just as we were as we about to turn out the light
A voice shouted… Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!