Congratulations Amy Hammill
A Years Supply of Mealworms Winner
Well done to Amy Hammill, from Pennsylvania who is the Winner of our Biggest Giveaway ever. Amy has won a Years Supply of Mealworms and an awesome coop. Amy has sent us some pictures of her gang enjoying their prize already. They are looking pretty happy.... What do you think?
Amy has 21 hens, about 8 different breeds, 3 guinea hens (1 lavender and 2 pearls), Ava the dog ( she is 3 y/o) and Em the cat (she is 14 y/o). Amy and her husband Neal have been raising chickens, referred to as "the girls", for 5 years. They free ranged all year around, lucky ladies! Amy lives on 3 acres near beautiful Lake Erie, so when the lake effect blizzards hit the Chubby Mealworms will come in very handy.
Well Amy, I hope you and your 21 girls enjoy the prizes!
A worthy winner I am sure you will agree.
A worthy winner I am sure you will agree.

Your new urban coop is on it's way too!